Amazon Redshift offers quick querying capabilities over structured data by the use of SQL-based clients and business intelligence (BI) tools using standard ODBC and JDBC connections. It is a relational database management system (RDBMS) therefore it is compatible with other RDBMS applications. This enables the use of data to accumulate new insights for businesses and customers. It starts with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scales to petabytes or more. Amazon Redshift:Īmazon Redshift is a cloud-based fully managed petabytes-scale data warehouse By the Amazon Company. Following are the top 8 Data Warehousing tools: 1. So, it becomes difficult to select top Data Warehouse tools according to our project requirements. There are various cloud-based Data Warehousing tools available.

Classification-Based Approaches in Data Mining.Clustering-Based approaches for outlier detection in data mining.Privacy, security and social impacts of Data Mining.Data Mining For Intrusion Detection and Prevention.Advantages and Disadvantages of ANN in Data Mining.Difference between Data Profiling and Data Mining.Data warehouse development life cycle model.Data Cube or OLAP approach in Data Mining.Difference Between Classification and Prediction methods in Data Mining.ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys.GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys.